Green and Prosperous now has an affiliate program.

Earn extra money for yourself

by helping me sell online courses

Here's how it works.

  1. First, sign up to become an affiliate by clicking the affiliate link below.

  2. The link will take you to e-junkie, where you can log in, if you already have an account, or sign up for your free affiliate account. Follow the instructions to get your e-junkie affiliate code and to register your Paypal email (you will need a Paypal account to get paid - this is also free). Questions about this step? See

  3. Then tell people about the ebook (at this time there is only one, but more are coming soon), giving some detail about why you think it others should buy this book. You may also want to mention that the ebook is available as a Paypal-verified purchase in .pdf or ePub format, which works for most e-readers (iPad, Nook, Samsung tablets) and computers.

  4. Please note that the link to purchase the book on is not a part of this affiliate program, so you will not earn any commission when people purchase the book using that link. Affiliate purchasers MUST use one of the two Paypal-verified links I will send you to purchase the book for you to earn a commission.

  5. Paste your affiliate link where others can click on it (for example, your social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest).

  6. Every month I will pay you a 50% commission on each ebook that is purchased using your affiliate link. That means that you should also encourage people in your network to tell others to use your link to purchase the book.

  7. Use the same process for telling others about the e-courses that are coming up this spring.

If you have a large network, access to a school or parents' listserv, or have your own blog or website, this could add up to hundreds, or even thousands of sales.