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10 Crucial Mistakes You Must Avoid When Installing Solar Panels

Installing solar panels has become much more affordable and accessible for the average homeowner. Bringing in this change is a clever choice that reduces energy costs and is a great way of saving money.

The growing expansion of environmental problems has led to unprecedented levels of global warming, a lack of sustainable products, and economic disruption around the world. This is why so many people have become environmentally cautious and are worried about protecting the environment.

The solar panel installation process might seem like a simple task, but a few hidden mistakes can cost you more money in the long run.

In this article, we will specify the common mistakes that occur when installing solar panels.

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Solar Panels

Here is a list of 10 common mistakes that you should avoid as well as key points to remember with solar panel installation.

1. Lack of Research Before Installation

Before installing solar panels, you must consider future and present energy demands when you decide to establish a solar power system. Make sure that there is adequate space to eventually expand the current set-up.

There are several things to consider for a further expansion of your solar panel system in the long run. These include measuring battery and inverter backup installation spaces. Make sure that you measure accurately so that there’s sufficient room you to add more panels when needed.

It is also important to ensure that your system is appropriate for expansion in the future. Consult a professional solar installation company to be sure that you have the capacity to expand in the years to come.

2. Picking the Wrong Vendor

This is the most common mistake that people make with solar panel installations.

In the short term you may have to pay more, but you can avoid costly problems in the long term when you select a company with experience and good customer feedback that remains committed to their work after installing solar panel systems.

Remember that a professional solar panel installation will oversee some of the most significant technical elements, like balancing solar across the phases, utilizing premium quality equipment, and installing panels properly.

3. Not Understanding Repair and Maintenence Warranties

Just like any other machine, solar panels also require maintenance and repair. Even if the panel is low maintenance, cleaning three to four times a year is usually required.

Setting up a solar monitoring process to assist in checking the daily performance is also recommended. On the other hand, if the solar panel experiences a dip in production, then cleaning and repairing the panel will solve the problem.

However, if the panel is damaged, then it should be covered under the warranty. Be sure to select a company that offers free service and maintenance.

4. Ignoring Safety Concerns of Balancing Solar Panels Across the Phases

Solar panels are usually mounted on the roof of a house or building. Your professional and personal choices might not match.

Thus, it is vital to know which appliances are in which phase if you have a three-phase power supply.

In order to use a power supply in all the phases, the most effective setup is the three-phase inverter that maintains a balance between all three phases.

Make sure that the energy consultation understands the differentiating factor and can suggest the best system.

5. Neglecting The Paper Work

During installation, the vendor might discuss different perks, such as solar rebates, financial incentives, and solar tax credits. Still, you should also be aware of the variety of policies and schemes available.

The incentives and policies differ according to your region. For example, gross and net metering vary in different states of any country, with specified guidelines as well.

Additionally, you should know the process in your state regarding the time taken to clear the paperwork. This can help you to decide if it is feasible to select solar panel installation in the first place.

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6. Avoid Leasing in Solar Panel Installation

Leasing solar panels from a third-party provider might not be an advantageous factor. If the solar system is leased, the lender will be eligible to offer any kind of government benefits and subsidiaries, but you will likely not benefit form these personally.

Aside from this, leasing solar systems might cost a little more than outright purchasing. This is because of the interest rate and higher lease rate.

If you decide to sell your property after leasing solar panels, it might be challenging because fewer buyers will interested. Solar panel leases may not transfer easily to the next buyer, or the paperwork to do so may be cumbersome. On the other hand, a house for sale with solar panels that are owned outright will see its value on the market increased.

7. Building an Unsystematic System

Recycling and reusing are excellent options, but when it comes to installing solar panels, they could be better.

When gathering the attributes of the solar system, some people's approach is to throw them all together and call it a day.

Sometimes, designing an efficient solar panel system in such an ad hoc manner is impossible since the different components you purchase may be incompatible and installing them might lead to undersized inverters and missing components within the power center.

8. Using Sub-standard Equipment

At times, homeowners might not find it suitable to install solar panels because of the high cost. Even when they do, some seek out low-installation services to reduce the overall price. This is often a mistake - you should not compromise quality over cost.

It is always effective to prioritize all of the essential elements involved in installing solar panels, not just the cost.

Generally, there are reasons why the cost of one company may low compared to other options. For example, the contractors may use inferior panels. So choose a manufacturer who can subject the panels to rigorous cycle testing by third-party engineering companies.

Thus, quality installation will save you from unnecessary repair charges if they have been uncovered in the warranty scheme.

9. Improper Orientation

Installing solar panels that have not been properly oriented will not offer any desired results and should be avoided at all costs.

It is wrong to assume that solar panels can only be installed on roofs; they can also be placed in open fields.

However, if you place solar panels on a building alone, you can position them in an east-facing direction, as they are mostly active in the morning. Even better, add a solar tracker to record the sun’s position and trap the maximum solar energy.

10. Avoid Installing the Panel Away from The Sun

Sometimes, DIY installers may make the mistake of placing solar panels away from the sun. When considering how and where to install the solar panel, you have to think about where the sun is in relation to the house in order to ensure maximum efficiency.

In this situation, professional help is required. It sounds like this would be obvious, but you would be surprised: it happens more than you can imagine.

Summing Up

In the process of solar repairs, we have seen several mistakes that can be made, from lack of research to missing out on rebates.

Going solar is a great decision for not only the environment but also from an economic perspective. Thus, it is very important to consider all the factors that are involved with the installation and servicing of solar panels. Multiple mistakes can thus be avoided, from choosing the wrong place for installation to completing the paperwork improperly.

Even minor negligence and lack of knowledge can also affect the efficiency of your solar panel installation. The tips and caveats shared in this article can save you from unnecessary struggles and stress as well as excessive expenditures on replacement and repair.


About the Author:

Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at, a blogger outreach agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at Blogstellar.

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