Want More Tomatoes from Your Plants? 10 Ways to Increase the Harvest

Want More Tomatoes from Your Plants? 10 Ways to Increase the Harvest

While it's tempting to simply bring home a tomato seedling from your local garden nursery, transplant it into a larger pot, and water as needed, there are several strategies you can use to ensure a harvest from your plants that is healthy, abundant, and continuous throughout the growing season. This article discusses 10 ways you can increase the harvest from your tomato plants, whether you're growing in containers, in raised beds, or in the ground.

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How to Get Rid of Earwigs in Your Garden without Harmful Chemicals

How to Get Rid of Earwigs in Your Garden without Harmful Chemicals

Earwigs, scientifically known as order Dermaptera, are a group of small insects with notable pincers on their abdomen. Males have curved pincers while female earwigs have straight pincers. They are characterized by elongated, flat bodies that vary from 5 to 25 millimeters in length. The most common earwig species is reddish-brown with a pair of conspicuous pinchers, or forceps, at the end of its body. These forceps are used for defense and courtship displays.

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An Introduction to climate-friendly gardening techniques

An Introduction to climate-friendly gardening techniques

Gardening has benefits for both your home's appearance and the environment. Not only does it help reduce CO2 levels, but it also serves as a cozy home for our feathered friends, fluttering butterflies, and buzzy bees, all adding their magic touch to make the world a more beautiful place through pollination.

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How to Start an Organic Garden: Tips and Strategies for Success

How to Start an Organic Garden: Tips and Strategies for Success

Whether it's still cold where you live or you're able to garden year-round, it's a great time to think about growing at least some of your own organic food. Aside from the obvious perk of being able to harvest fresh-picked herbs, vegetables, and fruit from your own supply, there are numerous benefits to growing your own food organically. These include providing a nurturing environment for the beneficial insects who will, in turn, help your garden thrive.

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5 Ways Soil Matting Can Help The Environment

5 Ways Soil Matting Can Help The Environment

Soil matting, also known as erosion control blankets, is the practice of using mats made from various materials to protect soil surfaces. These mats, often made from organic or synthetic fibers, or a combination of both primarily serve a dual purpose: to prevent soil erosion and promote vegetation growth, but it has other benefits.

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10 Reasons to Grow Your Own Organic Food in Containers

10 Reasons to Grow Your Own Organic Food in Containers

Have you followed the recent news in the US about the peer-reviewed study that determined that 80 percent of Americans test positive for the synthetic pesticide chlormequat? This pesticide has been found in conventionally-grown grain crops like oats, wheat and barley, and has been linked to fertility problems in animal studies. Regular exposure to pesticides like these is at least partly responsible for recurring health crises around the world, including major diseases like cancer and cardiovascular, neurological, metabolic and psychological disorders. By growing at least some of your own food, you can reduce your exposure to these harmful chemicals and begin to take control of your health. Container gardening is a great way to get started.

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Green Thumbs, Greener Planet: The Impact of Sustainable Farming

Green Thumbs, Greener Planet: The Impact of Sustainable Farming

When you think about farming, there are mainly two ways to do it: the traditional way that's been around for a long time, and the sustainable way, which focuses on caring for the earth. Traditional farming practices such as tilling, the regular application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, wasteful watering and high energy use can harm the environment, leading to problems like pollution and harm to waterways and aquatic life, greenhouse gas emissions, resource depletion, the loss of different species of plants and animals, and damaged soil.

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Hydroponics & Sustainability: Everything You Need To Know

Hydroponics & Sustainability: Everything You Need To Know

In the modern world, the importance of sustainable farming practices cannot be overstated. With the growing challenges of climate change, resource scarcity, and a rising global population, it has become imperative to explore innovative methods of agriculture that can minimize environmental impact while ensuring a steady food supply. One such practice that is gaining increasing attention and popularity is hydroponics.

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How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats in Houseplants Naturally

How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats in Houseplants Naturally

If you have a collection of houseplants, you've probably had to deal with fungus gnats at some point. If you're a new plant parent, you'll most likely face this problem sooner or later. Although a few gnats may not seem like a big deal at first, these pests multiply rapidly and can infest your growing space in no time. Fortunately, it's not too difficult to get rid of fungus gnats if you only have a few. Infestations can take longer to remedy but there are effective ways to get rid of these pests without spending a lot of money or having to call in a professional.

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Get Inspired: Water-Saving Landscape Design Ideas for Every Home

Get Inspired: Water-Saving Landscape Design Ideas for Every Home

Imagine a lush, vibrant landscape that thrives while sipping water instead of guzzling it. This is where xeriscaping comes in, where every drop of water is treasured, and every plant is chosen for its resilience and beauty. In this guide, we will delve into how xeriscaping can transform your outdoor space into a sustainable, water-wise haven.

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Growing Herbs and Vegetables Indoors: Hydroponics for Winter Gardening

Growing Herbs and Vegetables Indoors: Hydroponics for Winter Gardening

Growing herbs and vegetables in an indoor garden doesn't have to be time consuming, difficult or expensive with a simple indoor hydroponic countertop setup. Hydroponic gardening is a great way to grow your food quickly and efficiently in an indoor environment. It eliminates the need for soil, since plants are grown in water enriched with mineral nutrients.

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Building Better Soil: Effective Strategies for Winter Soil Improvement

Building Better Soil: Effective Strategies for Winter Soil Improvement

Winter is a critical time for gardeners to pay special attention to their soil health if they want a successful growing season the following spring. Taking proper steps to prepare your soil for springtime can make a huge difference in the outcome of your garden. During the spring and summer months, plants put a tremendous amount of stress on your soil, so it’s important to address potential problems and weaknesses before springtime arrives.

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