5 Tips to Sell a House with a Bad Backyard and Boost Curb Appeal

Guest post by Evette Champion

Unless you have a green thumb, you may have some areas in your yard that could use some improvement. Maybe there’s too much sun and your grass has become brown and patchy. Maybe you have water pools in spots around your yard. Whatever the case may be, the harsh truth is that your ugly backyard is scaring away potential buyers!

Luckily, your backyard can be redeemed! Here are 5 backyard improvements that’ll boost curb appeal and get that SOLD sign in the front yard.

Tip #1: Mow your lawn the correct way

One would think that the most important part of mowing the lawn would be actually getting the mower to start, right? Well, it’s more involved than that -- especially if you’re trying to sell your house.

Ideally, your grass should be no higher than 3”, but you can get away with 2.5”. The grass at this height is still going to be soft to walk on, whereas if it’s too short, it’ll look patchy and crabgrass could take over.

Tip #2: Fertilizing is important, too

You would be surprised by how many people don’t take the time to fertilize their lawn or aren’t aware that they should. Fertilizing your lawn helps to keep it that vibrant green that buyers are drawn to.

With that said, you must be mindful of when you put the fertilizer down and how often you do so. Always read the directions listed on the fertilizer to know how to use it and what kind of grass it works best on. Using organic fertilizer can help you avoid burning your grass, which is easier with overapplication of synthetic chemical fertilizers. While organic fertilizers won’t green your lawn as fast as synthetic ones do, they have distinct advantages over the synthetics: they contain a number of additional nutrients that the synthetics lack, and thereby help build a healthy soil, feeding grass slowly and nourishing the microorganisms that help the soil to do its job supporting the grass. Synthetics leach out of the soil quickly and do not provide this nourishment to the soil.

Tip #3: Tidy up

Sellers are recommended to keep the inside of their houses neat and tidy so it is ready for showings. The same goes for your yard. Make sure toys, sports equipment, gardening tools, and the like is picked up and put away. If you do not have a shed or a designated area for these items, you can pick up outdoor storage units at your local big-box hardware store. If you have items you don’t need anymore, sell them, recycle them or give them away to neighbors or to charities that accept used yard tools.

Tip #4: Power washing is essential

If you’ve never spent hours watching powerwashing videos on YouTube, then you might not realize just how transformative a good power washing can be! It can revitalize concrete patios, wood decks, jungle gyms, and masonry. Of course, it can be used on vinyl siding to get rid of dirt, grime, and mold.

If you don’t have a power washer, you can hire someone to do it for you or you can rent one at your local big-box hardware store. Many companies offer environmentally-friendly services, including green detergents that easily biodegrade after being mixed with water.

Tip #5: Clean the pool

If you have a pool, it should go without saying that it is a huge selling point. But if the water isn’t crystal clear, the lining has mold, or the deck isn’t clean, it’s a turn off. If your pool has not been used in some time, it’s definitely going to need a good cleaning.

Along with cleaning the pool, be sure to address any repairs that need to be made. Make sure the filter is new, the pump works properly, and the steps are in good repair. Also, if you have a pool cover, be sure there aren’t any holes in it.

Bonus tip: What about your deck?

Examine your deck for any improvements that could add value to it. A simple upgrade is to use a decking plug system that matches the color and material of the deck boards and effectively hides the deck screws. The result is a smooth and seamless deck surface.

And in line with tip no. 4, check the recommended best practices, including using the correct settings when cleaning your deck. This is to avoid potentially damaging the materials or voiding any warranties.

A neglected backyard will cost you

As a seller, there are a lot of things that you must pay attention to if you want to get your house sold quickly and at the price you’re asking for. Not only do you have to fix problems inside the house, you also want to spruce up your landscaping and backyard!

If you want to increase the value of your home, here are some summer home improvements with high ROI. You will be surprised by how simple improvements can boost your home’s value!


Evette Champion is an experienced Freelance Writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a media and communication professional who is skilled in creating engaging blog articles for the lovelorn reader.