Environmental and Social Benefits of Product Circularity

Product circularity, a cornerstone of the circular economy, offers significant environmental and social benefits by extending the lifecycle of materials through reuse, recycling, and remanufacturing.

According to the Circularity Gap Report 2024, the adoption of circular economy principles could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by up to 40%, potentially generating nearly 2 million new jobs and fostering a market valued between $2 and $3 billion in the coming years. Despite the rising discussions and debates about circularity, the global circularity rate has decreased from 9.1% in 2018 to 7.2% in 2023, highlighting the urgent need for more effective circular practices.

Implementing these practices can significantly reduce environmental impacts while promoting social equity and economic resilience​.

Leaders in the Circular Economy

The circular economy is gaining traction worldwide, with various companies pioneering innovative practices to promote sustainability. These leaders demonstrate how businesses can implement circular principles to reduce waste, conserve resources, and create economic value.

This section highlights three prominent companies making significant strides in the circular economy.

MT Unirepair

MT Unirepair is a notable leader in the circular economy, specializing in the repair and refurbishment of electronic devices. The company's approach extends the lifecycle of products, reducing electronic waste and conserving valuable resources. MT Unirepair offers well rounded services, including the refurbishment of electronic components, ensuring they are restored to full functionality. The company helps divert significant amounts of electronic waste from landfills, contributing to environmental sustainability.

The company's commitment to circularity is evident in its extensive service offerings, which include the refurbishment of consumer electronics, industrial equipment, and even medical devices. MT Unirepair's initiatives not only reduce waste but also provide cost-effective solutions for consumers and businesses, promoting the reuse and recycling of electronic products on a large scale. This approach not only benefits the environment but also supports economic sustainability by creating jobs in the refurbishment sector​​.

Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric, a global leader in energy management and automation, is at the forefront of implementing circular economy principles within its operations. The company has integrated circularity into its business model by using recycled materials, designing products for longevity, and implementing take-back schemes. These initiatives have enabled Schneider Electric to reduce its environmental impact significantly.

One of the key aspects of Schneider Electric's circular strategy is its focus on product lifecycle management. The company designs products that are easy to disassemble and recycle, ensuring that materials can be reused in new products. Schneider Electric's take-back programs allow customers to return used products, which are then refurbished or recycled. This approach not only reduces waste but also helps conserve raw materials and reduce carbon emissions.

The company's circular activities now account for a substantial portion of its revenue, highlighting the economic viability of sustainable practices​​.

Remade Institute

The REMADE Institute, a public-private partnership funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, is dedicated to accelerating the adoption of circular economy practices in the manufacturing sector. The institute focuses on developing and implementing technologies that enable the efficient recycling and remanufacturing of materials. By fostering collaboration between industry, academia, and government, REMADE aims to reduce material consumption and waste in manufacturing processes.

One of REMADE's key initiatives is its annual Circular Economy Technology Summit, which brings together experts and leaders to share insights and strategies for advancing circular practices. The institute's efforts are particularly focused on reducing the energy and resource intensity of manufacturing processes, promoting the use of recycled materials, and enhancing the economic and environmental performance of the manufacturing sector.

Through its innovative research and collaboration, REMADE is playing a vital role in transforming the manufacturing industry towards more sustainable practices.

Environmental and Social Benefits of Product Circularity

Product circularity, a fundamental aspect of the circular economy, involves extending the lifecycle of products through methods like reuse, recycling, and remanufacturing. This approach significantly mitigates environmental impacts and fosters social benefits. We’ll have a look at the environmental and social advantages of adopting product circularity.

Environmental Benefits

Product circularity significantly reduces resource consumption, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, and minimizes waste, leading to a more sustainable and eco-friendly economy.

Reduction In Resource Consumption

Product circularity reduces the need for raw material extraction by promoting the reuse and recycling of existing materials. By adopting circular practices, businesses can cut down the consumption of metals, minerals, and fossil fuels.

The circular economy aims to address the significant resource consumption problem, where only 8.6% of resources are currently reused. Shifting to a circular economy can conserve natural resources and mitigate environmental degradation associated with mining and extraction activities​​.

Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Implementing circular economy principles can substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  According to the Circularity Gap Report 2024, circular practices could cut emissions by up to 40%, equivalent to 22.8 billion tons of CO2 annually. This reduction is achieved by minimizing the need for new product manufacturing, which is typically energy-intensive, and promoting the use of recycled materials, which require less energy for processing​​.

Waste Reduction

One of the primary environmental benefits of circularity is the significant reduction in waste. By designing products for durability, repairability, and recyclability, the amount of waste generated is minimized. This not only alleviates the burden on landfills but also reduces the environmental hazards associated with waste disposal. Effective waste management and recycling infrastructure are integral for achieving these benefits, and the circular economy model prioritizes these aspects​.

Social Benefits

Adopting circular economy practices creates job opportunities, enhances community resilience, and improves the quality of life by fostering sustainable consumption and healthier living environments​.

Job Creation

The circular economy has the potential to generate numerous job opportunities across various sectors. The transition to circular practices involves roles in recycling, remanufacturing, product design, and waste management.

It is estimated that circular economy activities could create nearly 2 million jobs globally. These jobs span across multiple industries, providing employment opportunities and contributing to economic growth​​.

Enhanced Community Resilience

Circular practices foster community resilience by creating localized and self-sufficient economic systems. This reduces dependency on global supply chains and enhances the ability of communities to withstand economic and environmental shocks.

Localized recycling and remanufacturing initiatives can strengthen community ties and support sustainable local economies​​.

Improved Quality of Life

Circular economy practices can lead to better quality products that are designed to last longer and be repaired easily. This reduces the frequency and cost of replacements for consumers, providing better value for money. The reduction in environmental pollution and waste leads to healthier living environments, contributing to overall well-being. Sustainable consumption patterns promoted by the circular economy also encourage more mindful and responsible consumer behavior​.


The adoption of product circularity not only mitigates environmental impacts and fosters social benefits, but also drives innovation and sustainable growth. Companies leading in circular practices exemplify how businesses can thrive economically while promoting sustainability.

As more businesses, policymakers, and consumers embrace circular principles, we can anticipate a significant shift towards a more resilient and sustainable global economy.

About the Author:

Nadine R. is a tried-and-true handywoman with multiple years of experience in home renovation, fixer-uppers and other, less-exciting stuff like plumbing or DIY woodworking as well. If not tinkering around the house (hers or her friends'), she can be found strolling around the park with her husband Roy and their two dogs Bella and Blitz.