Natural remedies for cold and flu

Natural remedies for cold and flu

This year, with COVID, RSV and common cold and flu viruses running rampant, it's more important than ever to protect yourself against illness. While wearing a mask indoors in public places can help, and vaccinations (especially against COVID) can keep you out of the hospital (whether or not you have a pre-existing underlying condition), they may not be enough to keep you from getting sick. If you come down with the cold or flu, there are clinically proven ways to keep it from setting in or, if already set in, from becoming severe.

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Can Kratom Help You Sleep Better?

Can Kratom Help You Sleep Better?

Do you struggle to achieve quality sleep on a consistent basis? You’re not alone. More than a third of U.S. adults sleep less than 7 hours per night, and by some estimates, up to 30% of adults struggle with a frequent inability to sleep. In your quest to find solutions, you may have heard kratom touted as a potential sleep remedy. Explore whether kratom is right for your needs with these tips from Kratora.

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Can Neurological Disorders Be Treated Naturally?

Can Neurological Disorders Be Treated Naturally?

A neurological disorder affects the nervous system of the body. Various brain or spinal cord abnormalities (such as electrical, structural, biochemical, or electrical) can cause seizures, muscle weakness, pain, paralysis, disorientation, and poor coordination.

There are about 600 different types of neurological illnesses, some of which are somewhat common while others are highly unusual.

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Kratom: Natural Pain Relief in the Midst of America's Opioid Crisis

Kratom: Natural Pain Relief in the Midst of America's Opioid Crisis

In 2017, the United States Department of Health and Human Services declared a nationwide public health emergency regarding the opioid crisis in America. Since then, the statistics on opioid-related deaths have not improved; between 2019 and 2020, drug overdose deaths rose nearly 30%, with nearly 75% of those 91,799 deaths involving an opioid. Clearly, Americans are in pain — and we’re medicating ourselves to death. Thankfully, there’s a natural solution on the rise that has been used in traditional medicine practices for centuries. Enter: kratom.

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10 Herbal Remedies for Natural Pain Relief

10 Herbal Remedies for Natural Pain Relief

According to a report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 50 million Americans have some sort of chronic pain. This article discusses some effective herbal remedies that can ease discomfort, provide pain management, and decrease inflammation in the body.

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Why You Should Try Cannabis as a Sleep Aid This Fall

Why You Should Try Cannabis as a Sleep Aid This Fall

Fall is perhaps the most unpredictable season, as you are between a lazy summer and a hectic winter. You feel like sticking to the relaxed vibes of the warmer days, but the festive rush arrives sooner than you imagine. Endless task lists keep you on your toes as you expect to close them before the winter arrives. You may feel stressed and tired as you rush to complete tasks at home and work.

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What Quantity of CBD Gummies Should You Take to Get Better Sleep?

What Quantity of CBD Gummies Should You Take to Get Better Sleep?

CBD gummies pretty much look like standard gummy bears. The two products may even have the same taste. The primary difference is that CBD gummies contain cannabidiol as one of the main bioactive ingredients. There are over 100 kinds of cannabinoid compounds within hemp plants, among them cannabidiol (CBD)

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Have Anxiety? Give Anti-Anxiety CBD Oil Tincture a Try

Have Anxiety? Give Anti-Anxiety CBD Oil Tincture a Try

In recent years, increasing anecdotal evidence has tipped the scales in favor of CBD products. People are now turning to CBD as their preferred method of natural treatment for a variety of issues. Thanks to the massive demand, companies have started rolling out a myriad of CBD products. These days it has become easy to find things like anti-anxiety CBD oil tincture in the UK.

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What Are Terpenes, and How Do You Use Them?

What Are Terpenes, and How Do You Use Them?

Guest post by Michele Lowe

The oil-like substances that naturally occur in plants are known as terpenes. When these compounds are chemically altered through processes like drying or curing, they are referred to as terpenoids. Terpenes are counted among the most prominent compounds that make up a significant component of essential oils in plants. An essential constituent of natural hydrocarbons found in hemp plants, terpenes are responsible for creating the scents associated with different strains of cannabis. They also work to attract pollinators and repel pests. Located in the buds and flowers of cannabis plants, cannabis terpenes provide one of the richest sources of terpenes in the plant kingdom.

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CBD Oil for Managing ADHD: Does It Work?

CBD Oil for Managing ADHD: Does It Work?

Cannabidiol (CBD) needs no introduction. However, for the uninitiated, CBD is one of more than 120 extracts of the cannabis plant, which medical experts recommend for the treatment of various diseases.

Cannabis is a plant genus that produces several variants, including hemp and marijuana. Cannabidiol can be extracted from either of these variants. However, the substance is mostly derived from hemp because hemp-derived CBD contains insignificant traces of the psychoactive cannabis compound – tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

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