Nine Eco-Friendly Home Improvement Ideas for a Greener Lifestyle

Nine Eco-Friendly Home Improvement Ideas for a Greener Lifestyle

You might have heard that buying eco-friendly products can help you attain a more sustainable lifestyle, but what does 'eco-friendly' mean?

This article addresses the meaning of eco-friendly and suggests nine home improvements suitable for any budget or lifestyle that you can implement to promote a greener living space.

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Minimizing Waste During a Move: Tips for Reducing Environmental Impact

Minimizing Waste During a Move: Tips for Reducing Environmental Impact

Moving, often seen as a necessary but wasteful activity, can actually be an opportunity to implement eco-friendly strategies that minimize waste and conserve resources. With Plano's strong community focus on sustainability and green living, there are numerous local resources and initiatives to help you make your move as environmentally friendly as possible. This guide will provide you with practical tips and innovative ideas to ensure that your move not only goes smoothly but also aligns with the best environmental practices. Embrace these strategies to protect our planet while transitioning to your new home in Plano.

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Minimizing Your Carbon Footprint During a Move: Tips for an Eco-Friendly Relocation

Minimizing Your Carbon Footprint During a Move: Tips for an Eco-Friendly Relocation

Embarking on a move within the vibrant landscapes of Miami offers homeowners a unique opportunity to not only embrace a fresh start but also to champion environmental stewardship right at their doorstep. The beautiful city, known for its stunning beaches, diverse ecosystems, and tropical climate serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty and fragility of our natural environment.

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27 Ways to Be More Environmentally Friendly

27 Ways to Be More Environmentally Friendly

If you are concerned about the environmental impact of your choices and want to make sustainable choices, then you are not alone. Being environmentally friendly is becoming increasingly important in today's world. With the effects of climate change becoming more and more apparent, it's important that we all do our part to reduce our impact on the planet.

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Five Things You Should Know about Using Biodegradable Products

Five Things You Should Know about Using Biodegradable Products

Biodegradable materials have been used for decades but they've recently seen an increase in popularity due to environmental concerns. Nowadays people are looking for eco-friendly alternatives to conventional products. Using biodegradable products can be one way to go green. These products not only help the environment, but they're also better than their alternatives. However, they are not a complete solution to the problem of waste, and biodegradable products are not completely problem-free. Here are five things you need to be aware of when using biodegradable materials.

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The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Gardening Checklist

The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Gardening Checklist

Guest post by Greg Niewold

Anyone who loves to garden knows that one of the best parts of winter is looking ahead to spring: the season of planting. This year as you’re dreaming and planning, why not think about trying some eco-friendly strategies in your garden? Whether you’re a total newbie or a veteran grower, you may be surprised to learn how little steps toward sustainability could improve your everyday garden operations. With eco-friendly approaches, not only will your garden be greener and gentler to the environment, but you’ll possibly save costs and improve your yield, too.

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5 ways businesses can boost profits with recyclable plastic cards

5 ways businesses can boost profits with recyclable plastic cards

Guest post by Juliette Savage

Have you thought about how damaging the items in your purse or wallet can be to the environment?

The average person has 4 cards in their wallet, usually made from plastic and only used for one thing. To put that figure into perspective, this results in at least 271.4 million cards circulating just the United Kingdom at any given moment. These cards are often debit cards, credit cards and membership cards, and although they are vital to many people, they also cause a large amount of damage to our planet when they expire and are thrown away. Once discarded, these cards can take up to 450 years to decompose, due to the thickness and PVC that they are made from.

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Eco-Friendly Packaging & Green Shipping Ideas

Eco-Friendly Packaging & Green Shipping Ideas

Guest post by Katreena Sarmiento

Since the pandemic first hit, many physical establishments have opted to do their transactions online since people are going out less often. Lockdown and quarantine is a new reality for many people nowadays. Because of this new confinement to our houses, we therefore rely on online businesses for our daily transactions.

How do you enjoy opening your parcels and packages? Do you also do unboxing challenges when an exciting order arrives?

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How to Turn Cardboard into Useful Items for the Home

How to Turn Cardboard into Useful Items for the Home

Guest post by Cassandra Rosas

Almost everyone has gone through a period of time in their lives when they had a cumulous of cardboard boxes that they didn’t know what to do with. Instead of throwing in them in the trash, recycle or upcycle them! There are numerous ways to upcycle cardboard into actually useful items for the home, the kids, your pets and even your office.

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How to Find Eco-Friendly Clothing Options

How to Find Eco-Friendly Clothing Options

Guest post by Bead the Change

The turn of the century has seen shoppers increasingly go for fast fashion, where they discard apparel at the end of the season to purchase new wardrobes for the next. All this is possible because the clothing is more economical. But in recent times, awareness about the impact of synthetic fibers on the planet is inspiring people to choose more eco-friendly clothing options. They’re rethinking their choices in favor of options and brands that won’t have a lasting impact on the planet.

What can you do to find more eco-friendly clothing? It’s easier than you may think.

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Eco-Friendly Apartment Living

Eco-Friendly Apartment Living

Guest post and infographic by Ben Creamer

By its very nature, apartment living is an eco-friendlier way to live than many other modern lifestyles. This is because while living in your apartment, the odds are that you are located in an urban center. Living in an urban center means that you’re close by many things and don’t need to use as many resources as your other modern lifestyle counterparts do. However, there are still many ways to make your apartment even more environmentally sustainable. And great news for you: many of them are relatively simple. Reducing your ecological footprint and having a greater positive impact on the world around you can be a matter of making just a few minor changes!

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Eco-Minded Entrepreneurship: 7 Leading Green Business Ideas

Eco-Minded Entrepreneurship: 7 Leading Green Business Ideas

Guest post by Chloe Taylor

If you’ve always dreamt about preserving the environment or even spearheading the efforts of waste management, toxic waste reduction and greenhouse gas emission reduction, this year is the perfect time to start your journey. Modern social and political environments, with all of their flaws and drawbacks, have actually proven to be full of opportunities for ambitious eco-entrepreneurs across the globe. An ever-greater number of people are creating sustainable businesses that not only benefit the environment but offer more jobs every year. Let’s take a look at some of the best and most innovative ecological business ideas.

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Is CBD Organic and Eco-Friendly?

Is CBD Organic and Eco-Friendly?

guest post by Crystal Willson

(photos from Pixabay)

Climate change due to global warming is becoming a concern around the world. Due to this, the health of our planet is depleting. Statistics suggest that one of the “biggest sources of global emissions is agriculture.” This also includes the production of cannabis.

One of the most popular varieties of cannabis is hemp, which contains a high amount of a compound called cannabinoids (CBD). It is famous for its medicinal properties. Due to this, the production of hemp has increased over the years.

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Top Tips for Eco-Friendly Driving

Top Tips for Eco-Friendly Driving

Guest post by Rosette Monell

There have been many movements and innovations that promote being eco-friendly on the road. Fuel-efficient and electric vehicles, cars that use alternative sources for fuel, or simply cleaning your car’s exhaust pipe are only a few examples of eco-friendly driving methods and inventions. Environment-friendly measures are being pushed for vehicles since these machines contribute heavily to the pollution of our surroundings.

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