Can You Travel Abroad With Hemp Gummies This 2024?

Can You Travel Abroad With Hemp Gummies This 2024?

As we look ahead in 2024, many travelers are already planning and dreaming of their next international adventure. However, for cannabis enthusiasts who enjoy consuming edibles like hemp gummies, traveling abroad presents some complicated questions about legality and risks. While some countries have legalized or decriminalized marijuana in recent years, crossing international borders with controlled substances is still prohibited by most nations and can result in serious consequences. In this blog post, we will explore the different approaches taken by popular tourist destinations, provide tips for consuming cannabis responsibly while traveling, and examine how international drug laws may continue to evolve in the coming years to accommodate changing social attitudes.

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9 Science-backed Benefits of CBD

9 Science-backed Benefits of CBD

Most of us think of the active ingredient in cannabis as THC. However, there is another cannabinoid that has been getting some attention lately. This is cannabidiol (CBD). Many of today's doctors and alternative health practitioners are promoting cbd leaf wraps for its effective treatment of a wide range of medical conditions. In this article, we’re going to explore why.

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Could Hemp Oil Benefit Your Pets?

Could Hemp Oil Benefit Your Pets?

guest post by Kalki Henrietta

Yes, hemp oil for pets is a thing.

There are already many wonderful benefits to using different kinds of oils for humans, but did you know that hemp oil can also be helpful for pets? Hemp oil is produced by cold pressing the seeds of the hemp plant. Since it is derived from an organic plant, hemp oil may contain hints of cannabinoids.

Before you freak out about that tiny detail, let’s clear up a common misconception: hemp oil is derived from the seed of the cannabis plant while its counterpart—cannabidiol (CBD) oil—is derived from different parts of the plant, such as the stalk and the leaves. While both are sometimes associated with producing mind-altering effects, in fact, they don’t do this at all. Instead, they only produce an entourage effect -- and not the bad kind!

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How Is the Hemp Industry Changing Agriculture?

How Is the Hemp Industry Changing Agriculture?

The world has experienced a lot of change in recent years, and many countries allowing the sale and use of hemp are one of them. The demand for hemp has dramatically increased since the U.S legalized this herb in 2018. The Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group Vote Hemp reports that in 2018, American farmers grew 78,176 acres of hemp which represented an increase of 68,406 acres since 2016. Vote Hemp also estimated that from 2018-2019, the amount of hemp planted by American farmers increased by 455%.

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How Sustainable Is Hemp Fabric?

How Sustainable Is Hemp Fabric?

When you think of sustainable fabric, do you think of hemp? Maybe you should, as it demands fewer natural resources to grow, is durable, and is more resilient than cotton. We have been using hemp for hundreds of years to produce strong fabric in large quantities. During the ‘Age of Discovery,’ the explorers used hemp canvas for the sails of ships. These same sails had led men to new territories. We were openly using hemp then without prejudice. However, in 1970, the Controlled Substance Act arrived and penalized the cultivation and sales of hemp because it belonged to the family of cannabis, a Schedule 1 controlled substance.

But now, the situation is changing. Hemp has a chance to win its glory back from cotton because more and more states are legalizing and decriminalizing the cultivation of cannabis. When it comes to fabrics,it’s still true that cotton is the king, as it is a widely used raw material. However, many people are second-guessing its efficacy as fabric due to its environmental impacts. On the other hand, hemp is attracting the same environmentalists by being a sustainable fabric.

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10 Ways Hemp Can Help Create a More Environmentally-Friendly Society

10 Ways Hemp Can Help Create a More Environmentally-Friendly Society

Guest post by Jaspreet Singh

Hemp can serve humanity as a potent tool to protect the environment. Termed a marvel crop, hemp has innate properties to create products that can cohabit with the environment. When the earth is facing grave challenges regarding its ecosystem, hemp can go a long way to help sustain it. While numerous medicinal, industrial, and commercial advantages of hemp have long been common knowledge, the environmental benefits of this plant are now becoming clear as well. If you are exploring options for sustainable growing processes, hemp may be the solution you need.

Here are 10 environmental benefits of using hemp plants:

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Is CBD Organic and Eco-Friendly?

Is CBD Organic and Eco-Friendly?

guest post by Crystal Willson

(photos from Pixabay)

Climate change due to global warming is becoming a concern around the world. Due to this, the health of our planet is depleting. Statistics suggest that one of the “biggest sources of global emissions is agriculture.” This also includes the production of cannabis.

One of the most popular varieties of cannabis is hemp, which contains a high amount of a compound called cannabinoids (CBD). It is famous for its medicinal properties. Due to this, the production of hemp has increased over the years.

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What makes hemp such a sustainable crop?

What makes hemp such a sustainable crop?

Unique characteristics of hemp

Since the early 1700s, hemp has built a strong name for itself as a sustainable crop and textile resource. Yet a lot of people are confused about this industrial plant and its relationship to marijuana. Because of this confusion, negative stereotypes are commonly associated with the hemp plant, striking fear in the public.

But there's a clear distinction between the two. It's imperative to note the benefits the hemp plant brings. And it starts by taking a close look at the structure of the seed and the stalk of the plant.

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