10 Reasons Stainless Steel is Better for the Environment

10 Reasons Stainless Steel is Better for the Environment

Stainless steel is one of the most common metals in the world. It's also easy to clean and sterilize, making it ideal for use in hospitals and other places where hygiene is paramount. And this isn't even the best part. While many associate stainless steels with cookware, there are actually lots of ways that using this material can help save the planet. Let's take a look at ten ways stainless steel is better for your health and environment.

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How Sustainable Is Hemp Fabric?

How Sustainable Is Hemp Fabric?

When you think of sustainable fabric, do you think of hemp? Maybe you should, as it demands fewer natural resources to grow, is durable, and is more resilient than cotton. We have been using hemp for hundreds of years to produce strong fabric in large quantities. During the ‘Age of Discovery,’ the explorers used hemp canvas for the sails of ships. These same sails had led men to new territories. We were openly using hemp then without prejudice. However, in 1970, the Controlled Substance Act arrived and penalized the cultivation and sales of hemp because it belonged to the family of cannabis, a Schedule 1 controlled substance.

But now, the situation is changing. Hemp has a chance to win its glory back from cotton because more and more states are legalizing and decriminalizing the cultivation of cannabis. When it comes to fabrics,it’s still true that cotton is the king, as it is a widely used raw material. However, many people are second-guessing its efficacy as fabric due to its environmental impacts. On the other hand, hemp is attracting the same environmentalists by being a sustainable fabric.

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Why Choose Reusable Tissues?

Why Choose Reusable Tissues?

Guest post by Bernita Fregoso

We all know that paper tissues are produced from trees. This means that to make tissues, thousands of trees are being cut down daily across the world. Moreover, disposable tissues create a huge amount of trash, which is harmful to the environment and a key contributor to global warming. By using reusable tissues, you can help protect nature by reducing deforestation.

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What Are the Benefits of Using Solar Power Banks?

What Are the Benefits of Using Solar Power Banks?

Guest post by Isaac Larsen

Dealing with an empty phone in the middle of a long trip can be a frustrating experience, especially if you have an urgent phone call to take at the moment. If you’ve been in this kind of situation, it’s about time you explore the use of solar power banks for your mobile phones.

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How Driving Commutes in Your State are Affecting Global Climate Change

How Driving Commutes in Your State are Affecting Global Climate Change

Early yesterday morning I sat seething in my car after finishing a 1.5-hour commute (one way!) to my kids’ school, a journey that normally takes a little over half an hour. Among my gripes (Why is it that SOME folks just can’t drive in the rain? Why is public transportation here so much slower and more expensive than driving?) and promises (I will carpool to work next year when my kids can take the school shuttle; my next vehicle WILL be 100% electric) was a thought that I have often had while sitting in bad traffic in the metro Washington, D.C. area. How much longer can we keep up this love affair with our gas-powered vehicles before it’s too late to do anything about reversing climate change?

According to scientists, it’s under 12 years.

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