The EV Revolution: Which Metros are Leading the Way?

The EV Revolution: Which Metros are Leading the Way?

The electric vehicle movement has been gaining significant ground lately across the U.S. A total of 800K EVs were sold in the U.S. in 2022, a 65% increase compared to the previous year. The charging network is also expanding, with the number of nationwide EV stations going up by 58% in 2021, per the U.S. Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center.

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7 of the Best Electric Cars

7 of the Best Electric Cars

Are you ready to go electric? Electric vehicles are clean, efficient, and capable of incredible performance. These modern electric vehicles offer unbeatable advantages over traditional gas-powered cars. Electric car emissions are much lower than gas emissions, making them better for our planet. They help reduce the environmental footprint we leave on our planet while also reducing dependency on fossil fuels.

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Revving Up the Future: The State of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Networks

Revving Up the Future: The State of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Networks

Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are a crucial component of the transition to a more sustainable transportation system. As more and more people purchase EVs, the demand for convenient and reliable charging infrastructure is rapidly increasing. In this article, we'll take a deeper look at the current state of EV charging station networks, including home charging options from Level 1 to Level 3 and what needs to be done to ensure that they are able to meet the needs of all EV owners.

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Tesla EV: Is it Worth the Cost?

Tesla EV: Is it Worth the Cost?

Tesla is a company known for its electric vehicles, which are becoming increasingly popular due to their environmental friendliness and high-tech features. Tesla cars are known for their sleek design and impressive performance, making them a desirable option for many car buyers.

However, their cost can be a major deterrent for some, making it worth considering whether a Tesla is worth the price tag. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of Tesla cars to help determine if they are worth the cost.

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From Black to Green: How Tires are Shifting to Eco-Friendly Materials

From Black to Green: How Tires are Shifting to Eco-Friendly Materials

There are several components in a vehicle that contribute to the damage those machines inflict on our planet. However, one of the main parts that have a significant effect is tires. Their driving functions are connected to an automobile’s fuel usage and can also contribute to waste that can harm the environment if they’re not addressed.

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5 Life Skills to Teach Your Children to Help Them Live More Sustainably

5 Life Skills to Teach Your Children to Help Them Live More Sustainably

Childhood is the best stage of life for learning because kids' minds are like sponges. Kids are also extremely curious and eager to explore new things. As they develop, children of all ages use their physical senses and their mental capabilities to absorb life lessons about the world around them. Eco-conscious parents can teach their kids to live sustainably by helping them to learn and practice age-specific tasks. Here are a few suggestions to help your kids become more sustainability-conscious consumers.

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Top Tips for Eco-Friendly Driving

Top Tips for Eco-Friendly Driving

Guest post by Rosette Monell

There have been many movements and innovations that promote being eco-friendly on the road. Fuel-efficient and electric vehicles, cars that use alternative sources for fuel, or simply cleaning your car’s exhaust pipe are only a few examples of eco-friendly driving methods and inventions. Environment-friendly measures are being pushed for vehicles since these machines contribute heavily to the pollution of our surroundings.

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How Driving Commutes in Your State are Affecting Global Climate Change

How Driving Commutes in Your State are Affecting Global Climate Change

Early yesterday morning I sat seething in my car after finishing a 1.5-hour commute (one way!) to my kids’ school, a journey that normally takes a little over half an hour. Among my gripes (Why is it that SOME folks just can’t drive in the rain? Why is public transportation here so much slower and more expensive than driving?) and promises (I will carpool to work next year when my kids can take the school shuttle; my next vehicle WILL be 100% electric) was a thought that I have often had while sitting in bad traffic in the metro Washington, D.C. area. How much longer can we keep up this love affair with our gas-powered vehicles before it’s too late to do anything about reversing climate change?

According to scientists, it’s under 12 years.

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