Taking Care of Clear Aligners: Tips and Costs

What are clear aligners, and how do they work?

Clear aligners are also known as invisible aligners because they're hard to see. They're made from clear plastic, so when you wear them, it's not obvious. These aligners gently move your teeth to make them straight. They're great for people who want a more comfortable and less noticeable way to get a straighter smile. Learn about how to take care of your aligners in this article.

How to Take Care of Clear Aligners

Taking proper care of your clear aligners is important for ensuring their continued effectiveness and cleanliness while you wear them. The following simple actions can help you maintain the best possible condition of your clear aligners:

1. Clean Your Aligners Regularly

To keep your aligners clean and free of bacteria:

  • Rinse Them: When you remove your aligners, clean them with lukewarm water to wash away saliva and bacteria.

  • Brush Gently: Use a soft toothbrush and clear, anti-bacterial soap to brush your aligners gently. Avoid using toothpaste as it can be harsh and cause scratches on the plastic.

  • Use Cleaning Crystals or Tablets: Many aligner brands offer cleaning crystals or tablets that you can use to soak your aligners in. Follow the instructions on the packaging for the best results.

2. Avoid Eating or Drinking with Aligners In

Remove your aligners when eating meals or drinking anything other than water. Food and beverages can discolour the aligners, and food particles may get lodged, leading to bad breath and potential tooth decay.

3. Store Your Aligners Properly

Whenever you take out your aligners, make sure to store them in their protective case. This helps prevent them from getting lost or damaged. Keeping them in the case protects them from exposure to bacteria and germs.

4. Brush and Floss Your Teeth Before Wearing Aligners

Good oral hygiene is crucial during your aligner treatment:

  • Brush After Meals: Brush your teeth after every meal before putting your aligners back in.

  • Floss Daily: Floss at least once a day to get rid of plaque and food particles between your teeth.

5. Avoid Using Hot Water

Using hot water can cause your aligners to lose their shape, affecting how well they straighten your teeth. Instead, always clean them with lukewarm or cool water to keep them in good condition and ensure they work effectively throughout your treatment.

6. Handle Aligners with Clean Hands

Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling your aligners. This prevents the transfer of bacteria and germs to your mouth and aligners.

7. Monitor for Damage

Make sure to check your aligners often for cracks or sharp edges. If you find any problems, tell your dentist right away so they can fix it. It's important to keep your aligners in good shape for your treatment to work well.

8. Follow Your Orthodontist's Instructions

Your orthodontist will give you clear instructions on caring for your aligners. Make sure to follow their advice, attend all check-ups, and switch aligners as scheduled for the best results.

9. Avoid Smoking and Chewing Gum

Smoking can stain your aligners and reduce their effectiveness. Similarly, chewing gum can stick to the aligners and cause damage. It's best to avoid both while wearing aligners.

10. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps keep your mouth clean and prevents dry mouth, which can lead to bad breath and plaque buildup.

By following these tips, you can keep your clear aligners in excellent condition, ensuring they work effectively to give you the perfect smile. Proper care maintains the appearance and hygiene of your aligners and contributes to the overall success of your orthodontic treatment.

Cost of Clear Aligners and Factors Affecting It

Clear aligners provide a convenient and discreet option for teeth straightening, but their prices can differ significantly. Let's take a closer look at the factors that influence these costs and get an overview of what's involved.

Average Cost

Clear aligners can cost between $3,000 and $8,000 for a complete treatment. This range can be influenced by many reasons, which include:

1. Complexity of the Case

  • Mild Cases: For minor adjustments and less severe misalignments, the cost is usually lower since the treatment is simpler and requires less time.

  • Severe Cases: Dental issues that are more complex and require longer treatment tend to cost more due to the additional time and resources needed to achieve the desired results.

2. Brand of Aligners

Different brands of clear aligners have varying price points:

  • Invisalign: Often the most well-known and expensive brand due to its established reputation and advanced technology.

  • Illusion Aligners: Another brand to consider is Illusion Aligners. They provide clear aligners that work similarly to other brands, but they might have their unique features and pricing. It's essential to research and consult with your dentist or orthodontist to determine which brand best suits your needs and budget.

  • Other Brands: Competitors like SmileDirectClub, Candid, and Byte may offer lower prices but with different service levels and treatment options.

3. Orthodontist vs. At-Home Treatment

  • Orthodontist-Supervised: Receiving treatment from an orthodontist costs more but includes professional supervision and regular check-ups.

  • At-Home Kits: Direct-to-consumer options are generally cheaper but have less personalized oversight.

4. Geographic Location

The cost of clear aligners can change based on where you live:

  • Urban Areas: Prices are often higher in major cities due to higher living costs and service demand.

  • Rural Areas: You might find more affordable options in less populated regions.

5. Insurance Coverage

  • Dental Insurance: Some dental insurance plans may cover part of the cost of clear aligners. It's essential to check with your provider to see if you have this coverage.

  • Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs): These can also be used to pay for precise aligner treatments, potentially lowering out-of-pocket costs.

6. Payment Plans

Many orthodontists and aligner companies offer payment plans to spread the cost over time, making it more manageable.

7. Duration of Treatment

Shorter Treatments: Treatments that require fewer aligners and less time will generally cost less.

  • Longer Treatments: More extensive treatments that take longer to complete will be more expensive due to the increased number of aligners needed.

Understanding this blog article can help you plan your money better and make smart choices about your clear aligner treatment. This means you can get the smile you want without spending more than you can afford.


About the Author:

Dr. Zaahra Bandukwalla, BDS, PGCAD, PGCI has 10 years of experience practicing in Mumbai, India and has a passion for writing professional blogs and articles on dentistry.