10 Tips for Physical Activity at Home

10 Tips for Physical Activity at Home

Guest post by Kevin Nelson

(all images from Pixabay)

A home is a place where people love eating, sleeping, and doing all other lazy activities that they cannot do in the outside world. If you, too, believe in this notion, then it’s high time you change your thoughts. For every individual, being active at home is equally important for health. Keep reading for the best tips for physical activity at home!

Physical fitness has always been an integral part of healthy living. With the recent pandemic situation, building up a fit body and strong immune system has become more vital. Regular physical activity at home is very important. In this post, we have shared 10 tips on how you can stay physically active at home. Read on to know more about physical activity at home!

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6 Ways in Which Cannabis Can Improve the Quality of Life for Seniors

6 Ways in Which Cannabis Can Improve the Quality of Life for Seniors

Guest post by Taylor Hill

Do you know how the average life expectancy in the US was increased by almost 30 years between 1900 and 2000? Although these figures are about the quantity, it doesn't mean we're going to skip the quality. There's a miserable cycle of life. You grow up, get married, have children, they grow up, get married, and move out, what then? What happens after that?

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Is a Meat-heavy diet really harmful to your health?

Is a Meat-heavy diet really harmful to your health?

These days, many health practitioners and healthy lifestyle advocates are praising the benefits of a plant-based diet. As the famous quote from Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma, wrote, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” He also noted that “You are what you eat eats.” This simple statement, highlighting the connection between human health and the consumption of animal products, essentially recognizes that when we eat meat products, we are also consuming what those animals consume. This fact, coupled with the sad state of animal husbandry practices in the United States and other countries whose commercial operations received a failing grade in the Animal Protection Index from the global organization, World Animal Protection, suggests that consumption of animal products can carry serious health risks. But does it mean that diets that are meat-heavy are inherently bad for you? We explored some of the science-backed evidence to find out.

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7 Tips to Eat Healthy When You Don't Have Time to Eat

7 Tips to Eat Healthy When You Don't Have Time to Eat

Guest post by Leon Collier

We all move fast in a high-speed carousel and with that haste, we forget that one of our vital necessities is to feed ourselves.

Even if we can't change the way we work at the moment, we can use a few tricks when we don't have the time to cook a lavish meal.

It seems that we have no choice but to identify quick and effective ways to integrate healthy eating habits into the busy daily schedule. You’ll discover it in our recommendations, and along the way, you’ll also find ingenious solutions that can work for you.

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Plant-based diets: can they help reduce chronic inflammation and its associated diseases?

Plant-based diets: can they help reduce chronic inflammation and its associated diseases?

Globally, the incidence of end-stage diseases that are caused by chronic inflammation are on the rise. Many of the foods that are consumed daily in a typical Western diet, including processed foods, dairy, meat, and/or trans fats, cause chronic inflammation, which lead to life-threatening diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma and stroke. There is a growing body of clinical evidence that clearly demonstrates that switching to a plant-based diet can greatly reduce your chances of developing one of these end-stage diseases, although this does not mean that you have to give up meat or animal products altogether. In fact, the current landscape of debate on veganism, vegetarianism, and meat-heavy diets is muddied by polemics, making it difficult for the average person to make an informed choice. So what does the science actually say about the effects of plant-based diets on chronic inflammation and its associated diseases?

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Easy Peasy Meals Your Kids Will Love

Easy Peasy Meals Your Kids Will Love

As a parent, you’ve got a lot on your plate. Work, homeschooling, and juggling everyday chores are just a few tasks that might be bogging down your to-do list. You don’t have time to cook a fancy dinner every night, but at the same time, you want your family to have a home-cooked meal. The solution? A handful of healthy meals for kids that you can whip up at the last minute. Here are some of our favorite healthy dishes that you and your kids will love.

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CBD and Diabetes Infographic Intro

CBD and Diabetes Infographic Intro

Guest post by Zach Pearson

It is impossible to ignore the potential that CBD has to help those suffering from diabetes. More research is still needed, but with promising animal test results and anecdotal human experiences mounting, CBD as a treatment for diabetes has become a hot topic.

CBD is known for its many benefits; to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, lower anxiety, and improve sleep. Could it help prevent and manage diabetes as well? The infographic below explores this question:

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How Cleaning can be Good for your Mental Health

How Cleaning can be Good for your Mental Health

When you’re feeling overwhelmed with stress, a messy room can add more anxiety to your mental headspace. How can you organize your thoughts when your home is strewn with clothes and last week’s take-out boxes? By organizing your space and cleaning all surfaces, you can find mental clarity and relaxation. Cleaning can be extremely beneficial to your health; de-cluttering your physical space will help to reduce inner chaos and improve your mood. Here are a few mental health benefits of cleaning.

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Zen Garden Ideas

Zen Garden Ideas

Gardens are a beautiful way of staying in touch with nature. Even the smallest amount of ground in your front or back yard can be turned into a garden, and with little effort, you can have your own veggies or a colorful setting where you can go to relax. Gardening became so popular recently that Americans spent $3.5 billion on gardening food in 2013; currently half of US homeowners work on their gardens. After all, there’s nothing better than witnessing plants that thrive around you.

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Simple Tomato Harvest Sauce

Simple Tomato Harvest Sauce

One of my favorite things about summer is the abundance of fresh organic tomatos, basil, and oregano that I'm able to grow. Last year's harvest was ok, but traveling for part of the summer and asking my neighbors to take care of the plants in my absence meant that I didn’t get to enjoy most of the fruits of my labor! That, coupled with my hasty assembly of a drip irrigation system without taking the time to test it before leaving town resulted in waterlogged plants. Some were able to recover and produce abundant harvests after some weeks of babying, but others never did.

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