Prepare for Changing Seasonal Mood Shifts with These Tips

Prepare for Changing Seasonal Mood Shifts with These Tips

Guest post by Grace Cruz

While there is still some time left for autumn to arrive, the colder months aren’t too far away! As we enjoy the last few weeks of sunshine and warmth, there are many factors to take into consideration for winter. Since the days become shorter and nights longer, many people in Canada and other cold winter climates experience winter blues or seasonal depression (SAD). This can result in feeling low all the time, having no energy for social interactions, low motivation, and weight fluctuations. This blog post will introduce you to 5 ingenious methods for tackling seasonal depression to help you get your health in check before winter arrives

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Want a Healthier Home? How Pressure Washing Can Help

Want a Healthier Home? How Pressure Washing Can Help

Pressure washing is an important part of maintaining your home. It also boosts curb appeal, making your home more attractive to neighbors, visitors, and potential buyers, and increasing its value over time. While it may not be necessary to pressure wash your home more than once a year, depending on the type of materials used in its construction and the environmental conditions in your area, annual pressure washing has benefits that go beyond aesthetics and valuation: it can help you maintain a healthier home both inside and out.

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5 Things You Need to Know About PEMF Therapy

5 Things You Need to Know About PEMF Therapy

Guest post by Amelia Croud

What is PEMF therapy? Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) or low field magnetic stimulation (LFMS) therapy is a noninvasive technology that stimulates and encourages the body's natural recovery process using electromagnetic waves. Some researchers and therapists believe that PEMF therapy works by increasing the body’s capacity to release nitric oxide, which plays a critical role in healing wounds regulating the body’s inflammatory response, cell proliferation, collagen formation, and antimicrobial action.

If you have asked any of these questions or have serious concerns about investing in PEMF, this article is written with people like you in mind. Below we address the 5 most important things you need to know about PEMF and its dangers.

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How to Naturally Relieve Joint Pain

How to Naturally Relieve Joint Pain

Is joint pain in your way of enjoying life’s little moments? You are far from alone. In fact, nearly one-quarter of Americans struggle with joint pain on a daily basis, and this number continues to increase each year. So, what can we do to relieve joint pain? Is it possible to avoid the use of pain-relieving medications? And which natural remedies really help?

In this article we’ll answer your questions and offer recommendations for the very best supplements for joint pain.

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Pros and Cons of At-Home Physical Therapy

Pros and Cons of At-Home Physical Therapy

Guest post by Lulu Silveyra

Accidents and injuries are a difficult fact of life for millions of people every year, with many of those requiring the services of either at-home or inpatient physical therapy. This post-acute treatment will usually be completed by trained professionals after a discharge from a skilled nursing facility or hospital and is designed to help you regain functions of daily life, ensuring that you can move around and take care of yourself to your maximum ability. Although there are many factors to be considered, at-home therapy is considered by many to be a more affordable and comfortable choice overall compared to inpatient therapy. In this article, we’ll look into the conveniences, benefits, and drawbacks of physical therapy at home to help you make a safe and educated choice on the type of care that is right for you.

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Why Exercise and Staying Fit is More Important Than Ever

Why Exercise and Staying Fit is More Important Than Ever

Guest post by Katie Meyers

With all the uncertainties and ups and downs of our daily lives, good health should be our top priority. Regular exercise is the first step to a healthier lifestyle. Do you struggle to lose or maintain your weight? What are some benefits of exercise and how do you stay motivated?

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5 Nutrition Tips for Strong Bone Density

5 Nutrition Tips for Strong Bone Density

Guest post by Michele Lowe

Bones are arguably the most crucial feature of our body, so we should be putting effort into keeping our bones healthy. Bones protect our internal organs and maintain the structure of our bodies. By the age of 30 our bones reach their highest density, which is why it is important to follow good nutrition guidelines starting young. If bones do not have enough mass, they become fragile and easily broken. Lower bone density also increases the risk for developing conditions like rickets and osteoporosis later on in life. But with exercise and a regular nutritious diet, healthy bone density is easily maintained. There are many nutritious food items available that will help strengthen your bones; we will cover the important ones in this article.

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5 Healthy Habits That Can Bring a Glow to Your Face

5 Healthy Habits That Can Bring a Glow to Your Face

Guest post by Michele Lowe

Gone are the times where health was relegated to the backseat of our minds. The coronavirus pandemic has forced us to rethink our priorities, and thinking about our health in general is at the forefront of our day-to-day thoughts. For many, facial health is a critical component of a healthy lifestyle. Experts suggest that most individuals also associate a healthy facial glow with self-confidence.

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Sopa de Mora (harvest recipe)

Sopa de Mora (harvest recipe)

Last summer I hired my neighbor’s gardener to create a pea gravel walkway in my back yard. The morning of the job, he showed up with his wife Doris* and another friend and got to work. It was one of the few occasions when I was willing to sit back and let someone else handle all the labor for a change. While the guys were working, Doris took a break to show me a frog she found in the yard, and like two giddy schoolgirls, we fawned over the poor thing (who had almost ended up flattened under one of the guys’ boots) and shared our insights into the nature of these creatures in her broken English and my broken Spanish. As the men continued to work and I came out again to respond to their questions and look at the progress of the walkway, Doris pointed out a weed that was growing in my yard and told me it was mora. She said that you could eat it and that in her country (El Salvador), they cooked it in a soup. Intrigued, I resolved to find out more.

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Could Hemp Oil Benefit Your Pets?

Could Hemp Oil Benefit Your Pets?

guest post by Kalki Henrietta

Yes, hemp oil for pets is a thing.

There are already many wonderful benefits to using different kinds of oils for humans, but did you know that hemp oil can also be helpful for pets? Hemp oil is produced by cold pressing the seeds of the hemp plant. Since it is derived from an organic plant, hemp oil may contain hints of cannabinoids.

Before you freak out about that tiny detail, let’s clear up a common misconception: hemp oil is derived from the seed of the cannabis plant while its counterpart—cannabidiol (CBD) oil—is derived from different parts of the plant, such as the stalk and the leaves. While both are sometimes associated with producing mind-altering effects, in fact, they don’t do this at all. Instead, they only produce an entourage effect -- and not the bad kind!

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10 Simple Healthy Living Tips for Seniors During COVID-19

10 Simple Healthy Living Tips for Seniors During COVID-19

Guest post by Melissa Andrews

It has been over a year since the Covid-19 pandemic changed our lives. Businesses, organizations, governments, and industries have had to make adjustments to ensure their employees' and communities' health and safety and keep their operations in order. Individually, we’ve had to learn how to cope with the new normal as well.

In addition to the frontline workers, seniors have also had to exert extra effort to adapt to the changes brought about by Covid-19. They are, after all, one of the populations most vulnerable to experiencing severe health complications from this virus. If you are a senior or have a senior loved one, you know how important it is to follow health and safety protocols to mitigate the risks of getting the virus. Although a major part of the population in the US has already been vaccinated, Covid-19 is still very much around. As such, now more than ever, a healthy senior lifestyle is vital.

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Veggie-stuffed zucchini boats

Last summer and fall I struggled with my zucchini plants, and if you’ve been a regular reader of the blog, you may remember that my first *perfect* zucchini was followed by months of disappointment in which none of my zucchinis grew to maturity. This year started out much better, with my zucchini plants growing happily in their raised bed home and producing an abundance of vegetables. Finally, I seem to be getting that bumper crop that I have heard so many other food growers talk about! This means that in addition to the piles of fried zucchini squash blossoms I ate last year, this year I’m able to enjoy meals made with the actual zucchini from my garden.

Growing zucchini can be a challenge

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5 Low-Prep Activities That Kids Can Do in Their Own Backyards

5 Low-Prep Activities That Kids Can Do in Their Own Backyards

Guest post by Heather Neves

The pandemic has forced many kids and adults indoors. Too much time indoors increases the incidence of asthma and allergies in kids, especially those whose homes have poor air quality. Nowadays, parents are coming up with many ideas for activities and entertainment that will keep their children preoccupied indoors. But no matter how much a parent tries, it is not always possible to come up with new, fresh, and fun ideas. It is also not good for children to be constantly stuck in front of the television or playing video games on mobile phones, as too much screen time can lead to vision problems, attention disorders, and weight gain. Most of the time, it is good for children to get outside and play in the backyard so that they can get some fresh air. But a big question for parents these days is what their children will do if they need to spend a long time in the backyard. This post suggests several activities that kids can do in their own backyards.

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The Impact of Black Mold Exposure on Your Health

The Impact of Black Mold Exposure on Your Health

Guest post by Claire Zimmerman

Black mold can grow on different surfaces around your house and it might be the cause of certain health concerns without you realizing it. Therefore, you must understand what mold is and what it can do to your health and that of your loved ones. By learning about this, you can identify the signs and symptoms of mold exposure and make sure you tackle the issue before it compromises your health.

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